
 R1 Recovery Capital Solutions

Actionable Strengths-based Tools for Improving Outcomes

Changing The Industry Through Engagement and Data

The Business Case for Recovery Capital

R1 is partnering with thought leadership and technology innovators to bring you evidence-based and best practice resources to support your business needs. We’ve observed and evaluated the following state of the industry and have developed a set of solutions to help you respond to the changing environment and requirements ahead:

  • Value-based care is coming (is here) and the implications for provider organizations are extensive, important, and becoming more urgent

  • Outcomes management and measurement are essential to transform systems of care

  • Outcomes measurement and reporting matter to stakeholders (individuals, families, providers, payors, accreditors)

  • Outcomes supports better engagement with individuals in care

  • Data collection tools and outcomes measurement are essential to thrive in a value based care environment

  • Organizations are on the front-line and essential to collecting and reporting on outcomes, bench-marking with others, and leading the industry through change

  • Measuring and tracking Recovery Capital supports our shared missions to improve the mental health and quality of life of individuals in care, their social connections and relationships, and the communities in which they live

R1 Learning is partnering with Dr. David Best to deploy an evidence-based and best practice set of Recovery Capital solutions and a powerful engagement platform to help individuals, programs, networks, and communities create systemic change. The R1 Recovery Capital Toolkit include:

The R1 Recovery Capital Screener (R1 RCs-36)

What is the R1 RCS-36?

The R1 Recovery Capital Screener is a 36-question instrument for assessing individual Recovery Capital, generating data for measurement, monitoring, and producing a real-time care-plan for recovery management. Developed by Dr. David Best, the R1 RCS-36 calculates individual Recovery Capital in five evidence-based and validated assessment categories that quantify Personal, Social and Community components.

Available — print-based version

Coming Soon — on the R1 Discover App

The RCS-36 sections include:

  1. Personal Recovery

  2. Social Recovery Support 

  3. Community Recovery Involvement

  4. Unmet Needs (Work/Training/Volunteering, Service Needs, housing, etc.)

  5. Acute Barriers to Recovery (Risk-Taking, Substance Use, Criminal Justice Involvement, etc.)

The R1 RCS-36 identifies immediate barriers to recovery, quantifies current individual strengths, and provides a framework for an individualized Recovery Capital growth planing. The R1 RCS-36 is available in print-based format for easy implementations with different use cases - settings , populations, and practitioner teams. (Online version on R1’s 2023 roadmap via R1 Discover App).

Recovery Capital Thought Leadership Dr. David Best


R1 is partnering with Dr. David Best, the leading international expert on Recovery Capital. Dr. Best has authored or co-edited seven books on addiction recovery and desistance from offending, and has written more than 200 peer-reviewed journal publications and around 70 book chapters and technical reports. In 2019, he produced a monograph entitled “Pathways to Desistance and Recovery: The role of the social contagion of hope” (Policy Press) and a co-edited volume entitled “Strength-based approaches to crime and substance use” (Routledge). He currently leads a longitudinal research study into pathways to recovery by gender in Scotland, England, Belgium and the Netherlands. His research interests include recovery pathways, recovery capital and its measurement, social identity theory and its implications for recovery, recovery and desistance, addiction treatment effectiveness particularly in prison settings, prison and community connections, and family experiences of addiction and recovery.

R1 Recovery Capital Training & Education

R1 offers training, tools, and technology solutions to increase the knowledge, skill, and effectiveness of your workforce. Building resilience for peers, individuals, through Recovery Capital planning.

Explore Training, Technology, and Tools